Some weeks, we fall completely short of our goals. Last week was one of those weeks for me. My brother's wedding was last Sunday and I didn't feel well part of the week. I know that I am throwing out excuses, but sometimes we need to give ourselves a break. I have had a great start to today and even got some cleaning done yesterday so I am ahead of schedule for this week.
Last Week's GoalsGod
- Read daily passage from One Year Bible plan and catch-up from last week (ongoing) *I am still behind, but I didn't fall further behind praise God!
Weekly coupledevotional timewith Derek (ongoing)Bible lesson during preschool time
Weekly coupledevotional timewith Derek (ongoing)Schedule and have 30 minutes of qualityspouse timedaily- Give Derek a 15 minute massage *Didn't get to this again
Spend 30 minutes one-on-one time each day with each child (ongoing)- Take time to respond to children even when I am in the middle of something *Still a work in progress, but I am doing much better!
Read to each child for 15 minutes per day. Haley and I finished our second Boxcar Children Book, so we are going to take a break and read one chapter of Winnie the Pooheach day.
- Contact my MOPS secret sister and plan a ministry activity *Still need to do this!
I will be open to opportunities to minister to others in need at any time that God calls me to do so.*God granted me a couple of great opportunities in this area that I was able to complete!
- Finish reading Prayers Of An Excellent Wife: Intercession For
Him *I found that this is a book that should be read all the way through. Instead, I am reading one prayer each day so this will be ongoing
- Start reading Remember
*I didn't start reading this.
- Start 42 Days to Fit
program. Week 1 = no dessert *Still didn't start this. I am going to wait and see how I am feeling this week.
- Drink 8 glasses of water a day *Still having good days and bad days in this area
- Keep up with my daily cleaning schedule *Fell way behind, but got caught up on Sunday
Complete this week's Home Challenge task
- Read daily passage from One Year Bible plan and catch-up from last week (ongoing)
- Weekly couple devotional time with Derek (ongoing)
- Bible lesson during preschool time
- Weekly couple devotional time with Derek (ongoing)
- Schedule and have 30 minutes of quality spouse time daily
- Turn off TV and play board games at least 3 nights this week *We played Phase 10 last night and had a great time, so I thought this would be a fun activity this week!
- Create our couple's bucket list
- Spend 30 minutes one-on-one time each day with each child (ongoing)
- Take time to respond to children even when I am in the middle of something
- Read to each child for 15 minutes per day. Read one chapter of Winnie the Pooh to Haley each day
- Contact my MOPS secret sister and plan a ministry activity
- I will be open to opportunities to minister to others in need at any time that God calls me to do so.
- Start reading Remember
*See all the books I am reading this month here
- Start 42 Days to Fit
program. Week 1 = no dessert *We will see how I am feeling this week
- Drink 8 glasses of water a day
- Keep up with my daily cleaning schedule
- Complete this week's Home Challenge task
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