Last Week's Goals
- Read daily passage from One Year Bible plan (ongoing) *I am a couple days behind, but I hope to catch up this week
- Weekly couple devotional time with Derek (ongoing) *We had a couple of rough nights with the kids and fell behind on this
- Weekly couple devotional time with Derek (ongoing)
Schedule and have 30 minutes of qualityspouse timedaily
Spend 30 minutes one-on-one time each day with each child (ongoing)Create treasure hunt for Friday'spreschool timeRead to each child for 15 minutes per day
I don't want to create a "goal" for this area. I will be open to opportunities to minister to others in need at any time that God calls me to do so.
- Finish reading The
Heart of Simplicity: Foundations for Christian Homemaking
and start reading In the Shadow of the Banyan: A Novel
(book club book) *I am way behind in my reading.
- Work out for 30 minutes each day (even if it is just a walk around the neighborhood with the kids) *I did this a few days, but because I was so tired, I didn't get up early
- Drink 8 glasses of water a day (I just can't seem to ever do this one) *Uggghhh...nope
- Keep up with my new daily cleaning schedule *Fell behind on this one too
Complete this week'sHome Challenge task
This Week's Goals
- Read daily passage from One Year Bible plan and catch-up on readings from last week (ongoing)
- Weekly couple devotional time with Derek (ongoing)
- Weekly couple devotional time with Derek (ongoing)
- Schedule and have 30 minutes of quality spouse time daily
- Write love letter to Derek
- Spend 30 minutes one-on-one time each day with each child (ongoing)
- Go on an adventure walk through the neighborhood
- Read to each child for 15 minutes per day
- I don't want to create a "goal" for this area. I will be open to opportunities to minister to others in need at any time that God calls me to do so.
- Finish reading The
Heart of Simplicity: Foundations for Christian Homemaking
and start reading In the Shadow of the Banyan: A Novel
(book club book) *See the other books that I am reading this month here
- Work out for 30 minutes each day (even if it is just a walk around the neighborhood with the kids)
- Drink 8 glasses of water a day (I just can't seem to ever do this one)
- Keep up with my new daily cleaning schedule
- Complete this week's Home Challenge task
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